Liquibase Command updateTestingRollback

Liquibase suggests that all ChangeSets must have rollback so that if required Liquibase can rollback to the desired state, The updateTestingRollback provided by Liquibase updates the database with ChangeSets and tests the rollback as well.

updateTestingRollback is a multi-step process, that first deploys the ChangeSet, then executes the rollback command in reverse order, and again deploys the ChangeSet against the database.

If any of the ChangeSet roll back fails, Liquibase will deploy all the ChangeSets before the failed encounter

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:pro="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1692446190573-1">
		<createTable catalogName="appledb" tableName="apple">
			<column autoIncrement="true" name="apple_id" type="BIGINT">
				<constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" />
			<column name="apple_name" type="VARCHAR(255)" />
			<column defaultValueComputed="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" name="current_date_time" type="datetime" />
			<dropTable tableName="apple" />
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1692701200879-2">
		<insert catalogName="appledb" tableName="apple">
			<column name="apple_name" value="Fuji" />
			<column name="current_date_time" valueDate="now()" />
			<delete tableName="apple">
					apple_name = 'Fuji'
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1692701200879-3">
		<insert catalogName="appledb" tableName="apple">
			<column name="apple_name" value="Gala" />
			<column name="current_date_time" valueDate="now()" />
			<delete tableName="apple">
					apple_name = 'Gala'
</databaseChangeLog> (update changeLog File file format with SQL, XML, YAML, JSON as per changelog.mysql.)

liquibase.command.username : root
liquibase.command.password : rootroot

execute the command

liquibase updateTestingRollback

Liquibase will execute the ChangeSet sequentially, then rollback, and execute all again.

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