Liquibase Command changelogSyncToTagSql

Liquibase provides changeLogSyncToTag command to make ChangeSet executed in DATABASECHANGELOG table up to a tag provided in the parameter without actually executing it. Liquibase also provides changelogSyncToTagSql helper command, which lets DBA inspect what underlying SQL must have run if Liquibase would execute the ChangeSets.

execute the below query in the database

create database appleDb;
use appleDb;
create table apple (apple_id bigint not null AUTO_INCREMENT , apple_name varchar(255), available CHAR(1), current_date_time datetime default now(), primary key (apple_id), CONSTRAINT uqniue_apple_name UNIQUE (apple_name)) engine=InnoDB;
insert into  apple (apple_name, available, current_date_time) values ("Macintosh", 'Y',  now());
insert into  apple (apple_name, available, current_date_time) values ("Fuji", 'Y',  now());

The above script will create a database, and a table and insert some data into it.

now create a changelog.mysql.xml file and add some insert ChangeSets

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:pro="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1692701200879-1">
		<tagDatabase tag="version_1.1" />
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1697954384174-2">
		<insert catalogName="appledb" tableName="apple">
			<column name="apple_name" value="Gala" />
			<column name="avialable" value="Y" />
			<column name="current_date_time" valueDate="now()" />
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1692701200879-3">
		<tagDatabase tag="version_1.2" />
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1697954384174-4">
		<insert catalogName="appledb" tableName="apple">
			<column name="apple_name" value="Jonagold" />
			<column name="avialable" value="Y" />
			<column name="current_date_time" valueDate="now()" />
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1692701200879-5">
		<tagDatabase tag="version_1.3" />
	<changeSet author="wesome" id="1697954384174-6">
		<insert catalogName="appledb" tableName="apple">
			<column name="apple_name" value="GrannySmith" />
			<column name="avialable" value="Y" />
			<column name="current_date_time" valueDate="now()" />
</databaseChangeLog> (update changeLog File file format with SQL, XML, YAML, JSON as per changelog.mysql.)

liquibase.command.username= root
liquibase.command.password= rootroot

execute the command

liquibase changelogSyncToTagSql --tag=verison_1.2

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