Liquibase Installation

Liquibase is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux/Unix systems. step-by-step installation process for each operating system is below.

Once the installation is done open the command prompt or terminal and type liquibase --version, it should print the installed version of the Liquibase along with all the drivers of popular databases shipped by default.

By default, Liquibase CLI ships with many popular databases system drivers, present in liquibase/internal/lib directory, such as 

  • DB2
  • H2
  • HyperSQL
  • Firebird
  • MariaDB
  • MS SqlServer
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • Snowflake
  • SQLite

How to add new database support in Liquibase

Liquibase supports a wide range of databases with the latest supported drivers, but sometimes another type of database requires support or an older database driver version is required, so download the database driver and install it in the below places.

  • liquibase/internal/lib directory of Liquibase installation, database drivers installed here will be used by Liquibase and can be accessed from anywhere and is the preferred way.
  • lib directory of the current working directory, database drivers installed here will only be used until Liquibase is running from the current working directory.

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