Spring Boot GraphQL Operations

GraphQL allows the definition of methods in schema. All GraphQL API calls are POST in nature. The Spring Boot GraphQL Operations allows three types of Operation.

GraphQL Operations Rest API
Query Equivalent to a GET call in Rest API
Mutation Equivalent to POST and PUT in Rest API
Subscription Equivalent to WebSocket in Rest API

To support Query, Mutation, and Subscription, GraphQL needs to connect to the respective endpoint and load each field with its data, the DataFetchers is the underlying concept that connects the schema to the data. At some places DataFetchers also called as Resolvers.

Spring Boot provides an annotation-based approach to define the DataFetchers and hide the underlying boilerplate code and complexity. Spring boot supports four types of schema mapping ie @SchemaMapping, @QueryMapping, @MutationMapping, and @SubscriptionMapping.

Annotation  Description
SchemaMapping The SchemaMapping annotation is the parent of all DataFeachers annotation and workers with all types of operations
QueryMapping The QueryMapping annotation can be used to denote the query operations
MutationMapping The MutationMapping annotation is used to Update, Edit, and Delete operations
SubscriptionMapping The SubscriptionMapping annotation is used to retrieve the web socket response for long-running data.

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